Why Taiora?

(Especially Now?)

Why? I dunno... It just seems right. Minus that ending to the second season.

The first season was chock full of Taiora goodness. Hee hee hee... Especially the movie.

At first the second season showed promising results... But... Oy, I bet those Japanese writers musta been drunk or sumthing like that... Too much sake... *Hic*

I bet you might be thinking that Taiora fans over react about the ending to the second season too much. Let me put it in a second perspective. If you are a diehard Simpson fan (Like me), it's like on the show they told you that the Simpsons live in a real state. They don't! So then your beliefs get crushed and then go to waste. Our beliefs about Taiora were crushed and went to waste. See the similarities?

Still don't think so? If you don't, go to Exibit A and Exibit B: Hints and Evidence .

(If you don't like Taiora, why are you here anyway?)

I opened this page now because it is a time of need for Taiora fans. Many Taiora sites have been shutting down but I find this as an oppertunity to help my fellow Taiora comrades. This is just a place to go for a little boost of faith. So this is for all of you heartbroken people out there... Never lose faith in anything!
